
Máy đo điểm sương cầm tay DP 510 CS-instrument Việt Nam

Chi tiết Máy đo điểm sương cầm tay DP 510 CS-instrument Việt Nam

  • Đo áp suất riêng biệt
  • Khoảng cách điểm sương qua cảm biến nhiệt độ bên ngoài
  • Đo lượng tiêu thụ khí nén
  • Công suất hoạt động tính bằng kWh/kW

List code sản phẩm:

Pressure sensors - cảm biến áp suất       CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Standard pressure sensor CS 16, 0...16 bar, ± 1 % accuracy of full scale 0694 1886 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS 16, accuracy ± 0.5 % 0694 3555 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Standard pressure sensor CS 40, 0...40 bar, ± 1 % accuracy of full scale 0694 0356 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision Pressure sensor CS 40, accuracy ± 0.5 % 0694 3930 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Standard pressure sensor CS 1.6 absolute, 0...1.6 bar abs.,± 0,5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3550 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Standard pressure sensor CS 10 (0…10 bar), ± 1 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3556 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Standard pressure sensor CS 10 (0…10 bar), ± 0,5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3554 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS 100, 0...100 bar, ± 0,5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3557 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS 250, 0...250 bar, ± 0,5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3558 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS 400, 0...400 bar, ± 0,5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3559 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS, -1...+15 bar, ± 0.5 % accuracy of full scale 0694 3553 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision differential pressure sensor CS 0…400 mbar differential pressure,
accuracy: 0.075 % of full scale, static pressure max. 40 bar
0694 3560 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Precision pressure sensor CS (0..0.6 bar) accuracy ± 0.5 % 0694 3549 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument
Calibration of pressure sensor 5 points between 0 and 10/16 bar 3200 0004 CS-instrument/CSInstrument/CS Instrument